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Class Actions

Prescription Drugs Class Actions:

Zantac: (ranitidine) a common Heartburn medication has been linked to cancer and the subject of class actions. Zantac (ranitidine) is a medication that treats and prevents heartburn by reducing the acid in the stomach. It is linked to NDMA an agent that may cause cancer, such as bladder, colon and prostate cancer. Zantac has been available both over the counter and by prescription for years, but it was not until 2019 that the use of NDMA was discovered in Zantac.

Zostavax: Shingles vaccine: Zostavax is a vaccine of the weakened chickenpox virus given to patients age 50 or older to prevent a shingles outbreak or to lessen the effects of an outbreak. However, patients have alleged that the vaccine actually causes shingles or shingle symptoms and that the producer of zostavax knew of this risk and failed to warn patients.

Medical Devices:

Hernia Mesh: types of injury: Lingering pain, months to years after the surgery, Adhesion, migration, mesh failure, perforation, infection, seromas, groin pain.

Types of claims: design defect, manufacturing defect and failure to warn.

Stryker Hip Implant: toxic metal Ions are released into the surrounding tissue and cause pain, tissue damage, implant failure and other complications.

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    Your initial consultation is free. Finding out your options is the first step toward claiming the benefits that are rightly yours. There are very strict time limits involved in medical malpractice. A delay can result in you losing your whole claim and all of your rights. You don’t want to find out that there is an important deadline – and you missed it! Why risk waiting until it is too late? You owe it to yourself to find out your options. Contact MedMal Patient Advocacy today for your free consultation.