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Misreading X-Rays

Medical malpractice takes a variety of different forms, from malpractice during surgery in which someone ends up getting hurt or needing another procedure due to the negligence of a surgeon, to pharmaceutical malpractice in which some type of injury occurs due to a mixing of drugs causing negative effects.

One of the lesser thought about types of medical malpractice that many people suffer from is the injury of an individual from a doctor improperly reading an X-ray or MRI. If your doctor reads your X-ray or MRI incorrectly, it can end up indirectly hurting you or a loved one, because the treatment needed in order to fix the problem that you were originally given the X-ray or MRI for is not given.

When a doctor wrongly reads an X-ray or MRI, it is possible that a needed procedure may not be completed, or that one which is not needed may be carried out anyway. When an unnecessary surgery performed is invasive, serious injury can take place without ever fixing any type of problem. In any of these cases, the negligence of the doctor or technician has now become medical malpractice. This means that you may have a case to sue for malpractice over whoever performed the initial reading of the X-ray or MRI.

If medical malpractice due to the misreading of an X-ray or MRI has happened to you, you deserve recompense for any injury that was inflicted due to this negligence. An X-ray or MRI that is misread is absolutely medical malpractice, so do not delay if you have been injured due to this reason. The longer you wait, the less money that you will be able to receive for your injuries, so the sooner you act, the better the chance you have of receiving the money that you deserve. Contact MedMal Patient Advocacy now for your free consultation.

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    Your initial consultation is free. Finding out your options is the first step toward claiming the benefits that are rightly yours. There are very strict time limits involved in medical malpractice. A delay can result in you losing your whole claim and all of your rights. You don’t want to find out that there is an important deadline – and you missed it! Why risk waiting until it is too late? You owe it to yourself to find out your options. Contact MedMal Patient Advocacy today for your free consultation.