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Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery Malpractice: What Can Go Wrong?

Plastic Surgery is a popular choice for many people; we can’t all be totally happy with how we look. There’s always something we would like to change, and for many, thanks to plastic surgery, this dream becomes a reality. Unfortunately, however, for thousands of people these dreams have turned into nightmares.

While any type of surgery carries a risk of injury, or in the worst-case scenario even death, when it comes to plastic surgery even the simplest of mistakes can be extremely detrimental to your health for the long-term.

Thousands of people every year suffer at the hands of botched jobs. Whether it’s liposuction, face lifts, stomach stapling or any other type of procedure there is the potential for mistakes to occur. Mistakes like these can cost you dearly in the future.

All procedures are supposed to be carried out in a hospital, with a certified anaesthesiologist and a whole team of medical staff such as nurses and surgeons. It is the job of every member of that team to ensure that you recovery safely, and to avoid any kind of mishaps or complications along the way. If at any part of the process one of the team members fails to perform their duties responsibly or makes some type of mistake, you may have a case for a medical malpractice lawsuit.

If you have been injured as a result of your surgery, you may have a case, but only with a free consultation can we determine this for you. All surgeries carry risks, but finding out whether or not it was part of the risk of the operation or a mistake that was negligent and liable for damages is critical for you.

Whether there was a misapplication of anaesthesia, a lack of knowledge of your medical records and what could cause you trauma during surgery or post-op, or a breakdown in communication during the surgery itself, all these are issues that could serve as valid justification for a medical malpractice lawsuit.

We at the MedMal Patient Advocacy can give you all of the answers you need to determine whether or not you are eligible to make a claim against the hospital, and at what cost. Call us or send us a message now to receive a free consultation.

Plastic Surgery Mistakes

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    Your initial consultation is free. Finding out your options is the first step toward claiming the benefits that are rightly yours. There are very strict time limits involved in medical malpractice. A delay can result in you losing your whole claim and all of your rights. You don’t want to find out that there is an important deadline – and you missed it! Why risk waiting until it is too late? You owe it to yourself to find out your options. Contact MedMal Patient Advocacy today for your free consultation.