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(888) 899-9919

Five Things You Need To Do Now

This is very important, so please read it carefully!
  1. If you are in pain or having a reaction, the first thing you need to do is to seek medical care immediately. Your health is the first priority!
  2. Call our office so we can guide you to the best doctor and type of medical review. The doctors who see you and the specialists who review your case will affect the results. Every case is different. The sooner you contact us, the better we will be able to get you started in the right direction.
  3. Keep records of what happens. If you have any reports, documents, medicine bottles, make sure to save them. Do your best to keep a record of which doctors you’ve seen and when you saw them. Many times you will not be able to do this, so don’t worry if you don’t have the records. We can usually get them later. However, sometimes it can be difficult or impossible to find records as time passes.
  4. Do not sign anything unless it is not necessary immediately for medical treatment. If anybody gives you paperwork it is best for you to first bring it to us so we can review it.
  5. Contact MedMal Patient Advocacy so we can make sure you find out what you need to know now.

Free Consultation With One Of Our Lawyers

We will be happy to answer any of your questions. During business hours we try to respond to inquiries within 10 minutes.

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    Call now for your free consultation

    Your initial consultation is free. Finding out your options is the first step toward claiming the benefits that are rightly yours. There are very strict time limits involved in medical malpractice. A delay can result in you losing your whole claim and all of your rights. You don’t want to find out that there is an important deadline – and you missed it! Why risk waiting until it is too late? You owe it to yourself to find out your options. Contact MedMal Patient Advocacy today for your free consultation.